Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A3 - Minami

In order to make the results of the hand analysis correspond to the online bridge designer, I had to scale the bridge side equally. In the hand analysis, the height of the bridge was 8", the span of the bridge was 24", and the weight at the middle point at the bottom was 15 pounds. In the bridge designer, I made it so that each grid spacing was 2" so the height is 4 spaces high, and spans a length of 12 spaces, and the weight remains the same so it is still 15. The bridge I made on the online bridge designer and the bridge of the hand analysis have a ratio of 1 to 2 respectively.

Knex Truss

I might use this type of analysis to improve the design of my bridge by looking at which parts of the bridge has the most tension and compression. Given the values for the pull-out force of the Knex, I can look at the online design and look at where the forces are greater than these values and see where I need to improve. I can also play around with the load and see how much weight can be held with the current design. This analysis will allow me to look at the individual parts of the bridge and which will allow me to modify the bridge part by part, and overall improve the bridge with best efficiency.

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